Inbound & Digital Marketing Blog

30 Ways to Convert Visitors into Leads (Lead Generation Technique)

May 16, 2012, Devine Mae Loredo

Driving traffic is important to get visitors to your site so they can learn about your products and services. But then, it doesn't end there. It's not just about increasing site visitors.

For your business to be effective, what you should do is to convert visitors to leads.

To give you some new ideas, here's an article on 30 ways to convert visitors to leads.



Lead Generation is not just about obtaining data but having permission to talk about your products and services. 

It is essential that you give people a reason to talk to you and these reasons will then generate genuine desires to talk about your products and services. One example is making your site interactive and use that interaction to increase relevance. The more relevant you are, the more interested your visitors are.

Always remember that it's important to keep people interested. Once people visit your site and you get their interest, what will most likely happen is, these visitors will become loyal customers!

Read this article on 30 Ways to Convert Visitors into Leads... and your business will surely be more profitable! 

Which of these 30 ways did you pick? Have a better idea? Either way, leave a comment.

Topics: Lead Generation, Inbound Marketing, Conversion