Google Marketing Agencies like Inbound Team have a special type of AdWords account. It's called an MCC (My Client Center) account.
So that we can help you improve your pay per click marketing, please complete these steps.
Login to AdWords, and get your Customer ID. It's a 10-digit number that shows up in the upper right corner when you log into AdWords. Send the number to your Inbound Team account manager.
Once we get your Customer ID, we'll request access to your account.
You will receive an email from Google that contains a link to approve our request. Either click the link or log back in to AdWords.
Go to "My account" > "Account access" in your account and click "Accept invitation." You must be an administrator on the account.
Once you've approved access, we will review your account and let you know how you can improve your paid search marketing results.
You can always turn off our access if we decide not to work together. Doing things this way leave you in complete control, and lets us get the information we need to help you improve your marketing ROI.
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Inbound Team is Georgia's Digital Marketing Agency specializing in helping businesses grow through inbound and digital marketing.
Inbound Marketing Services are available for companies that want more leads and want to accelerate their growth.