Greased Skid Marketing is now part of Inbound Team --The Atlanta, Georgia Inbound Marketing Agency specializing in helping businesses grow with online marketing.
I am an Infusionsoft consultant (CMAC), and I work with a lot of Infusionsoft customers. If I hated Infusionsoft, I wouldn't be in this business! It's got it's strengths and weaknesses, and since I work with it every day, I'm going to try and help you decide if it's a good fit for you.
Since I may work with you in the future, I want to paint a realistic picture of where it's good and who it will work for. It's not good for me to have to tell clients "No, Infusionsoft can't do that."
In case you don't know, Infusionsoft is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Email Marketing product. It gives you a database to store all your customers, and makes it easy to send follow-up email messages to them. Since most businesses don't do a good job of following up, this can really boost your business.
Their system is specifically targeted at small businesses. The typical starting price is $200 or $300 per month (At the higher price, you get more contacts and features). This price includes 2 users, so if you have more than two salespeople who will use the system, you'll need to add additional users at $59 per month. Infusionsoft is not recommended for companies with more than 25 users!
Infusionsoft is very aggressive with it's sales and marketing. I understand their desire to sell their product, but I think it would be better if they were more consultative in their sales approach. The sales people seem to say "Yes" to almost any question regarding the capabilities of the system. I think their sales and marketing aggressiveness is the number one reason for Infusionsoft complaints.
So, I'm going to try to help with a balanced review of their features and service. I'm going to go through each of these in the next several days, and if a link isn't active, please check back.
And, if you are or become an Infusionsoft user, please Contact Us when you need some help!
Comments are always welcome here, so if you have a specific question, please leave a comment.
Infusionsoft Features
- Email Marketing Grade: A-
4-8-2011 Since I originally wrote this review, Infusionsoft has upgraded the product, so I increased their Email Marketing grade from B+ to A-.
Infusionsoft Technology and Support
I hope this information helps you make a wise choice for your business. As you can see, Infusionsoft does some things very well, but you have to make sure the gaps don't get in the way of your business.
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Inbound Team is Georgia's Digital Marketing Agency specializing in helping businesses grow through inbound and digital marketing.
Inbound Marketing Services are available for companies that want more leads and want to accelerate their growth.