I've been reminding clients that trying to use tricks in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is at best a waste of time. Here's one reason why! Google just announced a crackdown on content farms that have a lot of poor or duplicated content.
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Sites with meaty, original content are not affected by the changes in Google's algorithm. But, people who have been trying to use SEO tricks to manipulate the search results just lost out!
Google has an army of highly intelligent PhD's who spend all day, every day working to deliver the most relevant information to their customers -- People who are searching the web looking for information or answers to their problems.
I know some SEO companies claim to have secret methods for making a page rank highly on Google. These tricks may work for a little while, but ultimately just waste your time and money.
Simply, there's a better way. It's not as sexy as the tricks are, but will deliver a good ROI over the long term. The answer? Consistently create relevant content that addresses the needs of your target persona.
Business blogging is a perfect way to regularly create the needed content. Over time, you'll build up a library of relevant, valuable articles that your target customers can find via Google.
Sure, you want to optimize your posts and build links, too. Just do it in the right way -- By adding value for your audience!
If you want to know more, there's plenty of information on the details of Google's change to eliminate low-quality content.
Have you been burned by trying to use SEO tricks? Please leave a comment and let me know.
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